Tuesday, January 19, 2010

NCJ-ay XD.

Pst. Pahhahaha. Yeah “Blah” has been replaced by “Pst”. =D =D :P *hehem*.
Hahaha yeah I do use too much of emoticons XD. Not good? Too bad. I like it :P -_-
So my favorite word keeps on changing. Oh o I want to tell you a few =D
Awesome, Shuck-se-doodle-doo =D, Freak of nature =/…..and Blah and Pst. =D
So last night I slept at 2…And it felt like I just closed my eyes…and my alarm is ringing -_- And OMG! YOU WON’T BELIEVE ME :O! *dies*.
In the morning…When my alarm rang….I could hear my cell phone saying…
“Twitter…Twitter...Twitter...” =/ I’m crazy..Nae? =P But I swear it happened.
Pst. So the whole day was…a waste? Awesome? Weird? =/
Didn’t study a single word XD. For the first 4 lessons…Running here and there…Fixing up the board with all the Biology stuff XD. Oh how I wish I could remove my picture :P
Then then theennn Me, cjblufox and doubleydee walked and walked XD. Had Barbican \m/ Oolala I love it XD <3>
[No no I don’t like everything :P I don’t like 7up =/ Kill me.] And we actually “ditched” physics :P [like ditch ditch = bunk -_-] But then turned out that Mrs. wasn’t even in the class :P So blah. So much for bunking double physics. =/ Hm. I had so much to blog about. And now I don’t know what to say. =/
O well, am going to Doubleydee’s house tomorrow =D Have SO much in mind :D :D :D Gna make an awesome presentation =D And stars and and stuff = Blah. I’m gna die from excitement :P :D And I can’t wait to see her cats =D And the kitties =D Aaaaaaaaaa. *screams*.
Yes another thing. I love them. XD Make my life so great XD. Make me cry with happiness XD. “Plane take me away” XD. Make Physics lessons interesting. Make the world a better place. We 3 can enjoy like hell whether you leave us in the middle of the ocean or at the top of the mountain or in a desert or in the middle of the forest XD. [Cool. I’d like to go to all those places with you both :’)] I love your hair cjblufox XD. I love your Dimple DoubleyDee. I love they way you guys imitate me XD. Make fun of me :P How we share food XD. How we understand each other XD. A day without Cjblufox seems like a year XD. [Trust me. Not exaggerating =P] And being pissed at anyone who takes Doubleydee for some work when we 3 are together *bangs head in the wall*. *sigh* And how we 3 stood today hand in hand looking up in the sky talking to God. XD. How you guys make me sit in the middle when you both want to put your heads on my shoulder. How you know what I feel with one glance XD. How we plan to marry at the same time *hehem*. Plan to get our kids married together :P And how we plan to meet up in the grave together :P XD. ~ I do love you guys a lot ~
And HajraNadeem wanted me to write more about how this is our…like last 3 months together XD. O’ boy. I know every one goes through this XD. School ends. University life totally different XD. Not with the people you love [often.]
How is it going to be for me?
I cried [:$] when Cjblufox went to Khobar for 2 days -_- *Sigh*. =/ I won’t write more about this =/
Blah. Oh crap. I was going to say something deep and pst, nice. But I forgot again. =/ Lol, Yeah was on twitter :P Oh oh in my last post I was going to write something and I forgot -_- I remembered it that day when I was in bed. -_- I was going to say that this is a test right XD. God is testing us XD. Our patience XD. Our love. Xd. Our faith XD. Our everything. XD.
Let’s just pray we get an A* =D =D =D InshAllah XD. O Love you God! <3>
Talking about *cough* A*…I just remembered the unit tests we have next week =/ Kill me. *dies*. After I’m done with writing this post…I’m going to do the next chapter of Chemistry =D Oh shucks I’ve gotta type out the Exam paper for my Uncle XD. He teaches….Men who are like 30 years old and stuff =/ How cool is that =/?
Like I want to do that :O! :P Teaching people older than you XD. *sigh*. When I’ll be old enough…I shall be a Doctor XD. I shall own the best flower shop EVER! I will have the best cake shop EVER! And I wanna built an orphanage XD. I want to go around the world. XD. I want to do so much. At times it does feel like is too short XD. O well…This is the plan till now XD. =D Nice nae :D? Say yes even if it’s not. :P :D
[Nosh: WHAT? You’re not coming to DoubleyDee’s place? *mouth open*
Cjblufox: 16 cats man…I’m allergic….
DoubleyDee: not forcing you to come man…
Nosh: Yeah, Not forcing you to come….Just that if you don’t come I’ll kill you…And not cry….And bury you…And then kill myself after a week…And then DoubleyDee will kill herself because it’s all her fault.
DoubleyDee: See we’re not forcing you. =)]
LOL! Yes this how lame we are. =/ =P *hehem*. Oh oh and do check out my new podcast tomorrow night XD. With DoubleyDee and Cjblufox as my guests :P :D
[Oh and am having a headache. Don’t ask why. -_- but I wanna tell :D :D :P We sniifffedd a lot on the marker 8-) That’s it :P I won’t tell anymore :P]
Take care XD.
~Lowe you all~


  1. I LOVE YOU! :D
    And all your support and help when it comes to me, and um someone.
    I wish I'd have you guys in uni.
    We're so lame but so cool, and awesome, and we kick some butt man.
    WASSUP GURLFRIENDDDD *taps right shoe repeatedly*

    NosheenMalikGhulamNasrullah, hifii me!

  2. LOL!
    Sup' Girlfriend *blows a bubble*
    Tsssssss. =D =D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. LOL! I give you other stuff :P
    Yup. Hopefully I'll blog about tomorrow =D
    Two* --
    Love you too =D


    Anyway, point is =p.

    AIYE HAIYE, vawt a touchy post. Vawdappums *blows into tissue*

    You might have to blog again after you reach home from my house tomorrow xD

    Ok I have to clean the house now. Two very important people in my life will be spending the whole day here kthnxbai loveyou =p


    YOU GO GURLFRAYNDS *hip swing, neck swing, vigorous rate of gum chewing*

  6. So emotional. :')
    I didn't pay attention to your updates so I couldn't be first. :(

  7. i love love love love love youu alllll<3<3 i m going to super miss everybodyyy<3<3huggs n kisssess<3<3mwahnesss
    plusssss i love emotions too <3 n n n n rOCK on<3 huggs :P

    N N N
    I LOVEEE YOUR POST :D keep it up :P babess <3<3
    <3 hearts
    rainbows :)

  9. testing a new technique of commenting:
    this is a good idea, replying to comments in form of a blogpost
    i rememver freak of nature, we used that so much...btw you forgot "POKE POKE"
    i'm sure your presentation will be awesome
    if you all get married on the same day, you won't be able to attend and enjoy each others wedding, how about get married on consecutive days
    i'm so gonna miss all of you next year...everyday i think about how different life will be next year
    love you all ♥
