Sunday, January 31, 2010

40 minutes.

HEY! =D =D
Am I breaking the dare :O!? No right =/? It was to not to tweet for 3 weeks =/
Shoot me. I have twitter open right now *hehem*.
So so so so I CAN blog right if no tweet shweet =D? I knew you’d say YES *wipes away tears* ~I lowe you! *sniff* *hehem*.
OMG :O! It’s going to be the 2nd day without tweeting \m/ I’m SO proud of myself :’)
Nobody misses me there. =/ Not fair. :’( Anyhow. I miss me. :P Ok that didn’t make sense. Cut the crap Nosh *bangs head in the wall* :P -_- Uff.
Ok ok seriously talking now :P It’s just that I’m so happy, excited, home alone and got SO much to tell youuuuuuu =D =D =D
Yesterday was ok. I studied. Andddddddd…That’s it. =/ School was okay too XD.
I had fun today :D And I’m really tired now XD. Want to sleep but can’t. =/
Ok now as I said the word “sleepy” I feel like closing my eyes right now and sleep while sitting. *bangs head in the wall*.
Have to start with Chemistry with Zunman at 6. And before that I got finish up the Biology practical kay questions. Shoot me. Exams next week. Kill me. A party after the exams. Don’t kill me :D
You know Annie’s friend bought me a gift today…A shirt…Sad part is…IT WAS TIGHT TO ME :O! And it was the largest size 8-). Noo I’m not that fat now. =/
Like it looked nice. But…Crap :’( Getting it exchanged :P
I had a glass of milk in the morning. And ate one slice of bread. Breakfast. :P
Don’t know when was the last time I had proper breakfast. =/
Today Bio was fine. Chem was fine too. Did the sheets in the class. I do so silly mistakes man. =/ Break was awesome :P Food <3 *hehem*
Soo afterrrr Physics ki class…We 7 girls [Me, Zonia, Rija, SaraH, Mishal, Iqra and Amna XD :D] went to the back room…And so..
Lights off. We drove a plane. We rolled over on the floor and then Amna rolled on top of us all. We yelled. Laughed like hell. Held hands and made Amna try to separate ‘em :P [She looked so scary in the dark doing that :P Swear she looked possessed :P]
Mishi was biting. LOL! Seriously -_- I’m fine. Even though she tried biting me twice :P
-_- We were laying down for a bit. And Mishi told us a story of a girl named “Bunda” and a guy name “bundi” *dies of laughter* Was Hilarious :P
Omg! I hear cats….Fighting? o_O Shucks. Scary man. *shivers*. =/
And crap I was supposed to finish this post in 15 minutes and be off by 5 -_-
It’s 5:11 -_- And when I came from school. I washed the dishes :D Anddd theennn I saw k Mom hadn’t cooked anything for today XD. And I just needed an excuse to cook Egg-Fried-Rice :D So I made those. XD. Then Mom’s friend came over. And Annie’s friend too. -_- Set the lunch. Then made tea \m/ Then just chilled thinking what am I going to do. Got to do good in the exams. Then enjoy. Party. Lose weight. Go to uni. Get a job. Marry. Have kids. Chill with ‘em. Love ‘em. Get ‘em educated. Make ‘em read my blog. And then die. \m/ Bus that’s it. -_-
And so that’s it I guess :D I gotta finish bio before calling zunman over :O!

[I hate putting the title -_- I always have a problem with it. Anyhow "40 minutes" was just this song I was singing right now...]
Bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye :D :D :D :D
G'nyte XD. Slptyte, Swtdreams. Take care and have a nice day tomorrow XD.
~Lowe you~


  1. Your description of what we did in the 'back room' sounds very inappropriate, but since I know what really happened, I have not lost it yet.

    Eh eh eh.

  2. ... Make ‘em read my blog. And then die. \m/


  3. hahahahha <3<3 awwwwwwww i loooked possesd :P how hot is dat <3<3<3 i lovee youu<3 we had so much funn :D:D:D:D ;) ;)
    mmmm physics boring :| chemistry sucks :| i have no idea wat i m gna do shit :/
    me love ur blogss<3<3 :) :)
    gna go eat
    n omg nosh u lol ate acha 8-) :P i m gna go eat soup <3<3 :P post more later<3 huggs :) *~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~***~*~*~**~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*
    xoxox <3<3<3

  4. *Jumps out of the window* (:

    Do you tell everyone to comment on your blog? =p
    The title is very lame actually =p

    AND THANK YOU FOR NOT TWEETING! I'll have more tweets than you in these 3weeks :)

    *Dances around the house*

  5. ROFL. Sigh, I wasn't there :( This is why I hate ICT. Well, not really, because because of it I get to sneak onto your blog while you're dying of old age and boredom in Physics and Ms. H is looking the other way.

    I love your to-do list, it's quite brilliant, really.

  6. I love youuuu!
    And I can't wait to read your today wala blog. :D

    Rolling on the floor laughing. Literally! ;)

