Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Babies. Grandparents.

Ms. told us today that ultra-sounds...don't usually give the true result...she was telling that one of her friends...had 6 daughters and they wanted a boy so badly...she got an ultra-sound done...and the doctors told her that it's a girl...she got an abortion done...tau later pata challa kay it was a boy...and she went insane...that is just so sad...not that she lost her baby boy...well, that too...but...even if it was a girl...she shouldn't have had done it...babies are a gift from God...ask people who don't even have a single child...when I was born...mum told me that...people used to say..."kis per gayi hai yay!!...kalli..."...and my grandma used to get really angry...she'd say to my mum..."you don't want her...give her to me...I will love her more than you can should thank God" matter how you look...what you are...your parents will love mum loves me...and she is proud to have a daughter like me...and when I'm alone with her...she's always telling me..."I can feel it...your going to have a bright future...and I'll be the one out of all support us the most in our old age.."....which mother doesn't want her child to have a great future...happy grandfather loved my brother the most out of all his grandchildren...and my mum's brothers and sisters usually got pissed off...because my grandfather never let anyone touch or scold him...May God give you (my Grandparents) heavens :)
I love you :) and I miss you guys alot...even though I didn't get to spend so much time with you...and I...wish you were alive here with me...*sniff*....every time I think about you guys...I cry...I'm really jealous of friends..who have grandparents...when I don't...I don't care if that's mean or not...I don't long am I going to pretend...I love you :( *hugs*
Want you to see me grow up...getting good grades...want you to tell me...that I look beautiful...hug me me...tell me stories about your childhood...make me laugh...stop mum from scolding me...
I want to...make tea for you(-making tea for people I love has its own fun-)...see you sitting all day long...sigh I love you :(
I just pray that my kids...don't go through what I did...and they love my parents the way I would have loved you...
I feel so incomplete right now without you guys...

1 comment:

  1. This touches me!
    And that's why I like it as a blog.
    The rest are just the usual you.
